AH-ANTQ103: Workshop 1

Spring 2024


We will start with some basic operations in R. For further information, please refer to the R documentation.

R can be used as a basic calculator. Try the following operations. The output will be printed in the console (below). Please note that adding spaces between the numbers and the operators is not necessary, but it makes the code more readable.

1 + 1
1 - 1
2 * 3
4 / 2
2 ^ 3

Here we also take some time to introduce the notation in this file. The grey blocks are the code blocks. You can run this either in the console or in a script.


R can also be used to assign values to variables. Try the following operations. These variables should be added to the environment pane (On the right) Assign the value 1 to the variable x. Note that the arrow can be typed by pressing Alt + -, as well as by typing <- manually. Also assign the value 2 to the variable y.

x <- 1
y <- 2

We can now use these variables in calculations. Try the following operations.

x + y
x - y
x * y
x / y
x ^ y

Sometimes it is useful to find the sum of a vector. We can do this using the sum function.


We can also find the mean and length of a vector, as well as the unique values in a vector.

unique(c(x, x))

If you want to learn more about a function, you can add a question mark before the function name. This will open the documentation for the function (In the bottom right). At the bottom of the documentation, there are some examples of how to use the function.



R can also assign characters or strings to variables or vectors. Assign the string “Hello” to the variable x and the string “World” to the variable y.

x <- "Hello"
y <- "World"

When we try adding these two words together, we get an error. This is because R does not know how to add strings together.

x + y

We can concatenate strings together using the paste function. Note that the default separator is a space.

paste(x, y)

We can also concatenate strings together using the c function. This, however, creates a vector of characters instead of a single string.

c(x, y)


At UCR, we generally use the tidyverse package a lot to manipulate data. This package contains a lot of useful functions for data manipulation. We can install the tidyverse package using the install.packages function. You should only need to run this once. If you rerun this notebook, you can comment out this line using a hashtag.


We can load the tidyverse package using the library function. This should be run every time you start a new R session.


We can now use data structures from the tidyverse package. For example, we can create a tibble, which is a type of data frame.

tibble <- tibble(
  name = c("John", "Jane", "Joe"),
  age = c(20, 21, 22)

Alternatively, we can first create a vector for each column, and then use the tibble function to create the tibble.

name <- c("John", "Jane", "Joe")
age <- c(20, 21, 22)
tibble <- tibble(name, age)

We then have several ways to look at the data. Try them out!


If we have a dataset with a lot of numeric variables, we can use the summary function to get a quick overview of the data.


If we want to look at a specific column, we can use the $ operator. This will return a vector.


The pipe operator

The pipe operator is a very useful operator in R. It allows us to chain together multiple operations. This makes our code more readable. It can be typed by pressing Ctrl + Shift + M, as well as by typing %>% manually.

tibble %>% 

The filter function

The filter function allows us to filter rows in a tibble. This is useful for selecting a subset of the data.

tibble %>% 
  filter(age > 20) %>% 

The inner workings of the filter function are as follows. The first argument is the tibble. The second argument is the condition. The condition is a logical vector. This means that it is a vector of TRUE and FALSE values. TRUE means that the row is kept, and FALSE means that the row is removed. This shows the logical vector that is actually used by the filter function. Rows with TRUE are kept and rows with FALSE are removed.

tibble$age > 20

It is also possible to filter on strings. This is done using the == operator.

tibble %>% 
  filter(name == "John") %>% 

The select function

The select function allows us to select columns in a tibble. This is useful for selecting a subset of the data.

tibble %>% 
  select(name) %>% 

The mutate function

The mutate function allows us to create new columns in a tibble. This is useful for creating new variables.

tibble %>% 
  mutate(age_squared = age ^ 2) %>% 

NA values

NA values are missing values. These are values that are not defined. We can create NA values using the NA function.


We can also create NA values in a tibble.

tibble <- tibble(
  name = c("John", "Jane", "Joe"),
  age = c(20, NA, 22)

We can then use the print function to print the tibble.


If we want to know what rows contain NA values, we can use the is.na function inside the filter. Note that this returns a vector of TRUE and FALSE values. TRUE means that the value is NA, and FALSE means that the value is not NA.


This means we can use is.na() inside the filter function to filter rows that contain NA values. Note that we define the column age in the is.na() function as we want R to check for NA values in the age column.

tibble %>% 
  filter(is.na(age)) %>% 

Then using the “not” operator (!) we can filter rows that do not contain NA values.

tibble %>% 
  filter(!is.na(age)) %>% 

We can also use the drop_na() function to drop rows that contain NA values.

tibble %>% 
  drop_na() %>% 

A difference between the is.na() function and the drop_na() function is that in is.na() you must specify the column, but in drop_na() you do not need to specify the column (Do keep in mind that this will thus remove all rows that have an NA in any column).

tibble %>% 
  filter(!is.na()) %>% 

tibble %>%
  drop_na() %>%

Loading external data

Data link here.

We can then use the read_csv function to read the data from a URL and save it as a variable. This will return a tibble. We assign it to the variable data.

data <- read_csv("https://github.com/ucrdatacenter/projects/raw/main/AH-ANTQ103/2024h1/Beazley_Archive.csv")

Assignment 1

Based on the tibble we created in step 5, create a new column called age_in_20_years. This should contain the age in 20 years. Then, filter the tibble to only contain rows where the age in 20 years is greater than 40. Finally, print the tibble.

Assignment 2

Assignment 2: Using the Beazley Archive data, create two new data sets. Give them descriptive names. The first data set should only contain rows using an Athenian fabric (So without any specifics).

The second data set should only contain rows using Geometric Athenian fabrics. Which data set has more rows?