SSCPOLI302 European Union Politics

Fall 2024


This page collects materials for the data-driven assignments in the Fall 2024 edition of EU Politics at UCR. You can also access the related files directly on Github.

First workshop: analysis of MEPs

The first Data Center workshop takes place on the Friday class of week 6 (4 October). You can find the workshop handout here. The same materials will be used during the Tuesday class of week 7 (8 October).

To prepare for the first workshop, please complete the preparatory instructions listed at the top of the workshop handout.

Second workshop: analysis of legislative dossiers

The last Data Center workshop takes place on the Tuesday class of week 7 (15 October). You can find the workshop handout here.

To prepare for the workshop, please follow the preparatory instructions listed at the top of the workshop handout.

Third workshop: further analysis of legislative dossiers

The last Data Center workshop takes place on the Friday class of week 7 (18 October). You can find the workshop handout here.

Office hours

The Data Center offers office hours to help prepare for the workshops and complete the assignments. Please see the schedule here.