This page collects materials for the data-driven assignments in the Spring 2025 edition of Mechanisms of Disease at UCR. You can also access the related files (data and R scripts) directly on GitHub.
Office hours
The Data Center offers office hours to help you with the data-driven assignments. You can find more information about the schedule here.
Preparation for Data Center workshops
To participate in the workshops, you will need to have R and RStudio installed on your computer. If you don’t have these programs installed, please follow this installation tutorial.
In addition, the R basics tutorial on the Data Center website explains the RStudio interface, and shows how to create a new project and how to install packages.
Please bring your fully charged laptop to all Data Center workshops.
Workshop materials
First workshop: introduction to R
The first Data Center workshop takes place on the Monday class of week 3 (10 February). You can find the workshop handout here.
To prepare for the first workshop, please complete the preparatory instructions listed above.
Second workshop: heatstroke-related ambulance dispatches in Japan
The second Data Center workshop takes place on the Thursday class of week 3 (13 February). You can find the workshop handout here.
Following the Data Center workshop, you will work on your own projects in groups. Further details are available in the course outline. You can download all datasets from GitHub.