Why R?
- Free and open-source
- Reproducible
- Widely used in academia and industry; up-to-date with the latest technological developments
- Very versatile: extensive package ecosystem for statistics and more
- Powerful data wrangling and visualization capabilities
- Extensive community support (open-access books, tutorials, forums, AI tools, etc.)
Why tidyverse
- Clean, consistent, intuitive, readable syntax for all steps of the data analysis process
- Limited set of functions that can be combined in many ways
- Many packages beyond core
with the same underlying design, grammar, and data structures, therefore easier to learn advanced techniques
Introduction to R
Objects in R
One of the most basic types of objects in R is a vector. A vector is a
collection of values of the same type, such as numbers, characters, or
logicals (TRUE/FALSE). You can create a vector with the c()
which stands for concatenate. If you assign a vector to an object with
the assignment operator <-
, your vector will be saved in your
environment so you can work with it within your current R session. Some
examples of creating vectors are:
v1 <- c("A", "B", "C") # character vector with 3 elements
v2 <- 25 # numeric vector with 1 element
v3 <- 1:10 # numeric vector with 10 elements - integers from 1 to 10
To subset or extract elements from a vector, you can use square brackets
[ ]
with an index. For example, v1[1]
returns the first element of
, v3[2:5]
returns the 2nd to 5th elements of v3
, and
v3[-c(2, 4, 6)]
returns all but the 2nd, 4th and 6th elements of v3
## [1] "A"
## [1] 2 3 4 5
v3[-c(2, 4, 6)]
## [1] 1 3 5 7 8 9 10
A dataframe (or “tibble” in tidyverse
) is a special type of object
that combines vectors into a rectangular table. Each column of a
dataframe is a vector, and each row is an observation. usually you would
load data from an external source, but you can create a dataframe with
the data.frame()
and a tibble with the tibble()
function. You can
also convert other data types such as matrices to tibbles with the
function. Both functions take vectors as their arguments.
Tibbles are preferred because they are more modern and have some
convenient features that dataframes don’t, but for the most part,
differences are minor and for the most part it does not matter whether
you work with tibbles or dataframes.
A simple example of creating a tibble is (make sure to load tidyverse
# define vectors within the tibble() function
name = c("Alice", "Bob", "Chris"),
height = c(165, 180, 175)
## # A tibble: 3 × 2
## name height
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Alice 165
## 2 Bob 180
## 3 Chris 175
# define the vectors first, then combine them into a tibble
name <- c("Alice", "Bob", "Chris")
height <- c(165, 180, 175)
tibble(name, height)
## # A tibble: 3 × 2
## name height
## <chr> <dbl>
## 1 Alice 165
## 2 Bob 180
## 3 Chris 175
Functions in R
Functions are reusable pieces of code that perform a specific task. They take arguments as inputs and return one or more pieces of output. You will mostly work with functions loaded from various packages or from the base R distribution, and in some cases you may write your own functions to avoid repetition or improve the readability of your code. We will cover writing your own functions later in the program.
As with vectors, the output of a function is saved to your environment
only if you assign the result to an object. For example, sum(x)
display the sum of the elements of the vector x
, but sum <- sum(x)
will save this result to an object.
x <- c(1, 5, 6, 2, 1, 8)
## [1] 23
sum <- sum(x)
Some important functions on vectors are
mean(x) # return the mean; add the argument na.rm = TRUE if missing values should be excluded
## [1] 3.833333
length(x) # give the length of the vector (number of elements)
## [1] 6
unique(x) # list the unique elements of the vector
## [1] 1 5 6 2 8
To learn more about a function and its arguments, you can use the ?
operator or the help() function, for example by typing ?sum
equivalently, ?sum()
). It is good practice to request help files from
your console and not you R script, since there is no need to save these
queries for the future.
Importing data
R can handle practically any type of data, from simple text files to files used by other (not necessarily open-source) software and complex databases. This gives users a lot of flexibility in terms of data sources and formats.
In addition to using your own data (e.g. as exported from a survey), the Data Center keeps a continuously updated list of useful datasets by discipline, accessible here.
In the following, we’ll discuss how to import and export from and to various file formats, and discuss a number of available packages to do so.
Start by reading the introduction to importing the most common file types (text files, Excel, SPSS, Stata) here. It is good to be aware of the Import dataset button and use it when needed, but in the long run it is easier to be aware of the available import functions and use them directly. The rest of this section gives more information and examples of importing data from different file formats and different levels of tidiness.
We will use the following packages for importing different file formats:
library(readxl) # for Excel
library(haven) # for SPSS, Stata, SAS
In addition, the rio
package provides a generic import function,
however, it is simply a wrapper for many of the other import functions
shown below. While it may be easier to use the same import function for
many file formats, rio
redirects you to the original functions if you
look for the possible function arguments, therefore for debugging it is
better practice to use the “original” functions. In some cases, rio
can read URL file paths that readr
and readxl
In the following, we’ll work with some example data of student characteristics and grades. First, download this zip-file from GitHub, and extract it into a data folder within your apprenticeship project directory. We now import each file, explaining the packages, functions, and function arguments used. These files are all different subsets of the same dataset on student characteristics and grades at a university (original source).
is a comma-separated text file. Opening it in a notepad
or Excel shows that the column separators are commas (,). The
function from the previous workshop expects commas as a
separator, while read_csv2()
expects semicolons (common with
e.g. Dutch language settings). Since CSV files are a form of delimited
text files, we can also use the more versatile read_delim()
specifying the delimiter as the argument.
In the following, we use the read_csv()
(and read_delim()
) function
to import the data, and assign the resulting object to an object called
with the assignment operator <-
. The student1
object is
now a tibble in the R environment: you can find the object in the
Environment tab in RStudio, and view the data by clicking on the object
name or running View(student1)
in the Console.
student1 <- read_csv("data/student1.csv")
student1 <- read_delim("data/student1.csv", delim = ",")
In this case, we used read_csv()
only specifying its one mandatory
argument: the file path. When using read_delim()
, we also specified an
optional argument: we defined the delimiter as a comma, thereby
overriding the default function behavior. To learn more about the
mandatory and optional arguments of a function, and find out what the
default behaviors are, you can use the ?
operator followed by the
function name, e.g. ?read_delim
in the Console to open the help file
of a function (or use the search bar of the Help tab).
is also a delimited text file. Opening it in a notepad
shows that the delimiter is a tab. The notation for tab whitespace is
, which we can specify in the delim
argument. Like the “.tab” file
extension, “.tsv” is also a tab-separated text file, so the more
specialized read_tsv()
function also works.
If you load this data without optional arguments, you’ll see that
instead of the correct number of columns, we get a single column, with
the variable name containing some metadata. To get the correct number of
columns, we need to skip the first row of the data that contains this
metadata, as the actual data starts from the second row. We can use the
argument to skip the first row. If we use one of the relevant
import functions, and assign the outcome to the student2
object, we
can see that the data is now correctly imported and shows up in the
environment next to student1
as another tibble.
student2 <- read_delim("data/student2.tab", delim = "\t", skip = 1)
student2 <- read_tsv("data/student2.tab", skip = 1)
is an Excel file. To import Excel file we need the
function from the readxl
package (the readxl
is one of packages that is not a part of core tidyverse
but uses the
same principles). With the read_excel()
function you can specify which
sheet to use in addition to similar arguments as for delimited text
files. Notice that by default R imports the “Metadata” sheet, so we can
use the sheet
argument to specify which sheet to import. In addition,
the first two rows contain introductory text, not the data, so we can
use the skip
argument to skip those rows. You may also notice that
previously the variable name for age was Student_Age
and now it is
. You can rename the variable either by giving a full list
of column names in the import function, but often it is easier to use
the rename()
function after importing.
student3 <- read_excel("data/student3.xlsx", sheet = "Data")
The haven
package (also not core tidyverse
but same principles)
reads files in the data formats of SPSS (.sav) and Stata (.dta). It can
also extract variable and value labels from these files; here we can use
the read_spss()
to import student4.sav
student4 <- read_spss("data/student4.sav")
RDS is an R-specific file format that saves all attributes of the
dataframe (e.g. grouping, factor levels). It is particularly useful for
saving intermediate data files, e.g. saving the cleaned data before
analysis to avoid needing to run the data cleaning script repeatedly. To
import an RDS file such as student5.rds
, use the read_rds()
student5 <- read_rds("data/student5.rds")
A few notes regarding importing and exporting data:
- Always make sure you know your current working directory and the
relative path to your data directory. It is better to use relative
rather than absolute file paths (i.e.
instead ofC:/User/Project/data/data.csv
). - Note that if you are using Windows, you may need to replace the backslashes (\ in the file path with forward slashes (/) to avoid errors.
- You can import files directly from URLs, although you usually need the
URL of a raw file. If a file downloads immediately instead of opening
in a raw format, you can try to copy that download link by
right-clicking and selecting “Copy link address”; the
function fromrio
might be successful with those links. - To export data from R, you can almost always use the
function corresponding to the desired file format, e.g.write_csv()
. For Excel files the preferred export function iswrite_xlsx()
, and for SPSS’s .sav files it iswrite_sav()
. - For other file formats, the generic
function is useful; you can specify any file format, and if your input data is readable in the chosen format, the file will export properly. - In all
functions you need to specify the data you’d like to save and the output file path (absolute or relative) including chosen file extension.
# example export code
write_csv(student1, "data/new_data.csv")
Data wrangling
Data wrangling is the process of cleaning, structuring, and enriching
raw data into a more usable format. The dplyr
package is a part of the
and provides a set of functions that can be combined to
perform the most common data wrangling tasks. The package is built
around the concept of the “grammar of data manipulation”, which is a
consistent set of verbs that can be combined in many ways to achieve the
desired result.
The main functions in dplyr
are filter()
, select()
, mutate()
, group_by()
, summarize()
, and rename()
. dplyr
provides a set of functions for combining datasets: bind_rows()
for row-wise and column-wise binding, and left_join()
, inner_join()
, and full_join()
for joining datasets
based on common variables. These functions can be combined using the
pipe operator |>
(or %>%
, they are mostly equivalent) to create a
data wrangling workflow. The pipe operator takes the output of the
function on its left and passes it as the first argument to the function
on its right. This allows you to chain multiple functions together in a
single line of code, making your code more readable and easier to
In the following, we’ll work with the student
datasets imported in the
previous section and show how to use the main dplyr
functions to clean
the data so it is suitable for analysis. These steps are useful even if
the input data is quite clean, as we often need to work with only a
subset of observations/variables, define new variables, or aggregate the
Merging datasets
In our current application, we have five datasets that contain different
observations of the same, larger dataset. So we can list all datasets in
a row-binding function to combine them into a single dataset called
student <- bind_rows(student1, student2, student3, student4, student5)
In the following, we’ll demonstrate the key data cleaning functions on this merged tibble.
Filtering observations
If we want to keep only a subset of observations, we can use the
function. We can specify a logical condition as the argument
to filter()
, and only observations that meet that condition will be
kept. For example, to keep only students who are over 21 years old, we
can use the following code:
filter(student, Student_Age > 21)
## # A tibble: 27 × 15
## Id Student_Age Sex High_School_Type Scholarship Additional_Work
## <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 5005 22 Male Private 50% No
## 2 5015 26 Male State 75% Yes
## 3 5016 22 Male State 50% No
## 4 5018 22 Male State 50% No
## 5 5023 22 Male State 50% Yes
## 6 5024 25 Male State 25% Yes
## 7 5029 24 Male State 50% No
## 8 5032 25 Male State 50% Yes
## 9 5040 22 Female State 50% No
## 10 5042 24 Male State 50% Yes
## # ℹ 17 more rows
## # ℹ 9 more variables: Sports_activity <chr>, Transportation <chr>,
## # Weekly_Study_Hours <dbl>, Attendance <chr>, Reading <chr>, Notes <chr>,
## # Listening_in_Class <chr>, Project_work <chr>, Grade <chr>
In a pipe workflow, the same code would look like this:
student |>
filter(Student_Age > 21)
## # A tibble: 27 × 15
## Id Student_Age Sex High_School_Type Scholarship Additional_Work
## <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 5005 22 Male Private 50% No
## 2 5015 26 Male State 75% Yes
## 3 5016 22 Male State 50% No
## 4 5018 22 Male State 50% No
## 5 5023 22 Male State 50% Yes
## 6 5024 25 Male State 25% Yes
## 7 5029 24 Male State 50% No
## 8 5032 25 Male State 50% Yes
## 9 5040 22 Female State 50% No
## 10 5042 24 Male State 50% Yes
## # ℹ 17 more rows
## # ℹ 9 more variables: Sports_activity <chr>, Transportation <chr>,
## # Weekly_Study_Hours <dbl>, Attendance <chr>, Reading <chr>, Notes <chr>,
## # Listening_in_Class <chr>, Project_work <chr>, Grade <chr>
We can also apply logical conditions to character variables, e.g. to
keep only students who went to a private high school and who did not
receive a failing grade. Filters can be combined with AND (,
or &
and OR (|
) operators into a single function. Note the use of quotation
marks around the character values in the logical condition and the
double equal sign ==
to denote equality.
student |>
filter(High_School_Type == "Private", Grade != "Fail")
## # A tibble: 23 × 15
## Id Student_Age Sex High_School_Type Scholarship Additional_Work
## <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 5004 18 Female Private 50% Yes
## 2 5005 22 Male Private 50% No
## 3 5011 18 Female Private 50% No
## 4 5020 18 Male Private 50% No
## 5 5028 18 Male Private 50% Yes
## 6 5035 18 Male Private 50% No
## 7 5036 18 Male Private 75% No
## 8 5041 18 Male Private 50% No
## 9 5050 18 Male Private 75% No
## 10 5077 20 Male Private 25% No
## # ℹ 13 more rows
## # ℹ 9 more variables: Sports_activity <chr>, Transportation <chr>,
## # Weekly_Study_Hours <dbl>, Attendance <chr>, Reading <chr>, Notes <chr>,
## # Listening_in_Class <chr>, Project_work <chr>, Grade <chr>
Another useful logical operator is %in%
, which allows you to filter
observations based on a list of values. For example, to keep only
students who receive either 75% or 100% scholarships, we can use the
following code:
student |>
filter(Scholarship %in% c("75%", "100%"))
## # A tibble: 65 × 15
## Id Student_Age Sex High_School_Type Scholarship Additional_Work
## <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 5007 18 Male State 75% No
## 2 5012 18 Female Private 75% Yes
## 3 5013 18 Female Private 75% No
## 4 5014 19 Female State 100% No
## 5 5015 26 Male State 75% Yes
## 6 5017 18 Female State 100% No
## 7 5019 18 Female State 75% No
## 8 5021 18 Male State 100% Yes
## 9 5022 18 Male State 100% No
## 10 5030 19 Male Other 75% No
## # ℹ 55 more rows
## # ℹ 9 more variables: Sports_activity <chr>, Transportation <chr>,
## # Weekly_Study_Hours <dbl>, Attendance <chr>, Reading <chr>, Notes <chr>,
## # Listening_in_Class <chr>, Project_work <chr>, Grade <chr>
Selecting variables
If we want to keep only a subset of variables, we can use the select()
function. We can specify the variables we want to keep (or exclude, with
signs) as the arguments to select()
, and only those variables will
be kept. For example, to keep only the Id
and Student_Age
we can use the following code:
select(student, Id, Student_Age)
## # A tibble: 145 × 2
## Id Student_Age
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 5001 21
## 2 5002 20
## 3 5003 21
## 4 5004 18
## 5 5005 22
## 6 5006 20
## 7 5007 18
## 8 5008 18
## 9 5009 19
## 10 5010 21
## # ℹ 135 more rows
We can also select columns based on their location in the dataframe or by looking for patterns in the column names:
select(student, 1:3) # select the first three columns
## # A tibble: 145 × 3
## Id Student_Age Sex
## <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 5001 21 Male
## 2 5002 20 Male
## 3 5003 21 Male
## 4 5004 18 Female
## 5 5005 22 Male
## 6 5006 20 Male
## 7 5007 18 Male
## 8 5008 18 Female
## 9 5009 19 Female
## 10 5010 21 Female
## # ℹ 135 more rows
select(student, starts_with("Student")) # select columns that start with "Student"
## # A tibble: 145 × 1
## Student_Age
## <dbl>
## 1 21
## 2 20
## 3 21
## 4 18
## 5 22
## 6 20
## 7 18
## 8 18
## 9 19
## 10 21
## # ℹ 135 more rows
select(student, -Grade) # keep everything but "Grade"
## # A tibble: 145 × 14
## Id Student_Age Sex High_School_Type Scholarship Additional_Work
## <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 5001 21 Male Other 50% Yes
## 2 5002 20 Male Other 50% Yes
## 3 5003 21 Male State 50% No
## 4 5004 18 Female Private 50% Yes
## 5 5005 22 Male Private 50% No
## 6 5006 20 Male State 50% No
## 7 5007 18 Male State 75% No
## 8 5008 18 Female State 50% Yes
## 9 5009 19 Female Other 50% No
## 10 5010 21 Female State 50% No
## # ℹ 135 more rows
## # ℹ 8 more variables: Sports_activity <chr>, Transportation <chr>,
## # Weekly_Study_Hours <dbl>, Attendance <chr>, Reading <chr>, Notes <chr>,
## # Listening_in_Class <chr>, Project_work <chr>
select(student, -c(2, 6, 10)) # keep everything but the 2nd, 6th, and 10th columns
## # A tibble: 145 × 12
## Id Sex High_School_Type Scholarship Sports_activity Transportation
## <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 5001 Male Other 50% No Private
## 2 5002 Male Other 50% No Private
## 3 5003 Male State 50% No Private
## 4 5004 Female Private 50% No Bus
## 5 5005 Male Private 50% No Bus
## 6 5006 Male State 50% No Private
## 7 5007 Male State 75% No Private
## 8 5008 Female State 50% Yes Bus
## 9 5009 Female Other 50% Yes Bus
## 10 5010 Female State 50% No Bus
## # ℹ 135 more rows
## # ℹ 6 more variables: Weekly_Study_Hours <dbl>, Reading <chr>, Notes <chr>,
## # Listening_in_Class <chr>, Project_work <chr>, Grade <chr>
A pipe workflow allows us to combine the filtering and selecting operations into a single, step-by-step workflow:
student |>
filter(Student_Age > 21) |>
select(Id, Student_Age)
## # A tibble: 27 × 2
## Id Student_Age
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 5005 22
## 2 5015 26
## 3 5016 22
## 4 5018 22
## 5 5023 22
## 6 5024 25
## 7 5029 24
## 8 5032 25
## 9 5040 22
## 10 5042 24
## # ℹ 17 more rows
Creating new variables
If we want to create a new variable based on existing variables, we can
use the mutate()
function. We can specify the new variable name and
the calculation for the new variable as the arguments to mutate()
, and
the new variable will be added to the dataset. For example, we can
create a new variable Daily_Study_Hours
that divides
by 5, a new variable Class_Participation
that is
a logical variable indicating whether the student has at least one “Yes”
answer for reading, listening, and taking notes, and a new variable
that extracts the numeric value of Scholarship
the string contains a number.
student |>
# create new variables
mutate(Daily_Study_Hours = Weekly_Study_Hours / 5,
Class_Participation = Reading == "Yes" | Listening_in_Class == "Yes" | Notes == "Yes",
Scholarship_num = parse_number(Scholarship)) |>
# show only ID and the new variables
select(Id, Daily_Study_Hours, Class_Participation, Scholarship_num)
## # A tibble: 145 × 4
## Id Daily_Study_Hours Class_Participation Scholarship_num
## <dbl> <dbl> <lgl> <dbl>
## 1 5001 0 TRUE 50
## 2 5002 0 TRUE 50
## 3 5003 0.4 FALSE 50
## 4 5004 0.4 TRUE 50
## 5 5005 2.4 TRUE 50
## 6 5006 0.4 TRUE 50
## 7 5007 0 TRUE 75
## 8 5008 0.4 TRUE 50
## 9 5009 0 FALSE 50
## 10 5010 2.4 TRUE 50
## # ℹ 135 more rows
Sorting the data
If we want to sort the data based on one or more variables, we can use
the arrange()
function, taking the tibble and a variable list as its
arguments. By default, arrange()
sorts in ascending order, but you can
specify descending order by using the desc()
function. For example, to
sort the data by Student_Age
in descending order, and
in ascending order, we can use the following code:
student |>
arrange(desc(Student_Age), Weekly_Study_Hours)
## # A tibble: 145 × 15
## Id Student_Age Sex High_School_Type Scholarship Additional_Work
## <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 5118 26 Female Private 50% No
## 2 5015 26 Male State 75% Yes
## 3 5032 25 Male State 50% Yes
## 4 5056 25 Male State 50% Yes
## 5 5024 25 Male State 25% Yes
## 6 5029 24 Male State 50% No
## 7 5082 24 Male State 50% Yes
## 8 5042 24 Male State 50% Yes
## 9 5085 24 Male Other 50% Yes
## 10 5059 23 Male State 50% No
## # ℹ 135 more rows
## # ℹ 9 more variables: Sports_activity <chr>, Transportation <chr>,
## # Weekly_Study_Hours <dbl>, Attendance <chr>, Reading <chr>, Notes <chr>,
## # Listening_in_Class <chr>, Project_work <chr>, Grade <chr>
Renaming variables
If we want to rename variables, we can use the rename()
function with
the argument structure new name = old name
. For example, we can rename
the Student_Age
variable to age
and the Weekly_Study_Hours
variable to weekly_hours
, we can use the following code:
student |>
rename(age = Student_Age, weekly_hours = Weekly_Study_Hours)
## # A tibble: 145 × 15
## Id age Sex High_School_Type Scholarship Additional_Work
## <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 5001 21 Male Other 50% Yes
## 2 5002 20 Male Other 50% Yes
## 3 5003 21 Male State 50% No
## 4 5004 18 Female Private 50% Yes
## 5 5005 22 Male Private 50% No
## 6 5006 20 Male State 50% No
## 7 5007 18 Male State 75% No
## 8 5008 18 Female State 50% Yes
## 9 5009 19 Female Other 50% No
## 10 5010 21 Female State 50% No
## # ℹ 135 more rows
## # ℹ 9 more variables: Sports_activity <chr>, Transportation <chr>,
## # weekly_hours <dbl>, Attendance <chr>, Reading <chr>, Notes <chr>,
## # Listening_in_Class <chr>, Project_work <chr>, Grade <chr>
Categorical variables as factors
It is often useful to clearly define the levels of a categorical
variable, especially if these levels have a meaningful ordering. For
unordered categories, R provides the data type factor
, while for
ordered variables the relevant data type is ordered
. Factor and
ordered values appear as character strings when viewed, but are treated
as numbers with labels internally, which makes it easier to show
descriptives of the variable and include it in models. For example, we
can define High_School_Type
as a factor with three levels and
as ordered with the factor()
and ordered()
If we don’t specify the levels of the factor explicitly, then the levels
will be sorted alphabetically.
student |>
mutate(High_School_Type = factor(High_School_Type),
Attendance = ordered(Attendance, levels = c("Never", "Sometimes", "Always"))) |>
select(High_School_Type, Attendance) |>
# view variable types and levels by looking at the structure of the data
## tibble [145 × 2] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
## $ High_School_Type: Factor w/ 3 levels "Other","Private",..: 1 1 3 2 2 3 3 3 1 3 ...
## $ Attendance : Ord.factor w/ 3 levels "Never"<"Sometimes"<..: 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 ...
Data cleaning as a single pipeline
Until now we didn’t save any of our data wrangling steps as new objects,
so the original student1
object is still unchanged. If we want to save
the cleaned data as a new object, we can assign the result of the pipe
workflow to a new object.
student_subset <- student1 |>
filter(Student_Age > 21) |>
select(Id, Student_Age) |>
arrange(desc(Student_Age)) |>
rename(age = Student_Age)
To prepare for the rest of the analysis, let’s create a new data
object that keeps all observations, and converts some of the indicators
to numeric and logical, and rename the relevant variables to convenient
“snake case”:
data <- student |>
mutate(scholarship = parse_number(Scholarship),
sex = factor(Sex),
# testing a logical condition: creates a logical vector
additional_work = Additional_Work == "Yes",
reading = Reading == "Yes",
notes = Notes == "Yes",
listening = Listening_in_Class == "Yes",
# case_when is an expanded if/else case: it allows multiple conditions
# the value after the tilde (~) is the value if the condition is TRUE
# the function goes through each condition one by one, and stops at the first TRUE one
# if no condition is TRUE, the variable value is missing
grade = case_when(
Grade == "Fail" ~ 0,
Grade == "DD" ~ 1,
Grade == "DC" ~ 1.5,
Grade == "CC" ~ 2,
Grade == "CB" ~ 3,
Grade == "BB" ~ 3,
Grade == "BA" ~ 4,
Grade == "AA" ~ 4
)) |>
rename(id = Id, age = Student_Age) |>
select(id, age, sex, scholarship, additional_work, reading, notes, listening, grade)