This page collects all materials related to the June 2024 Data Center Apprenticeship program and R training, including workshop materials and other resources. Any interested member of the UCR community may attend the workshops or make use of the materials below.
Workshop schedule
Below you can find the workshop schedule between 17–21 June. All workshops take place in E-9.
Click on a topic to access the workshop materials. Note that the pages are still a work in progress and subject to frequent updates.
Date | Time | Topic |
17/07 | 10:00-17:00 | R basics (1) |
18/07 | 10:00-17:00 | R basics (2) |
19/07 | 12:00-17:00 | Character strings and regular expressions |
20/07 | 12:00-17:00 | Text analysis |
21/07 | 12:00-17:00 | Data scraping from the web and pdf documents in R |
Other resources
Below you can find a list of external resources compiled by the Data Center that you may find helpful when working on your project: