Data Center Apprenticeship: Working with external data

Spring 2024


  • any unfinished data wrangling
  • ~1 hour: import/export
  • ~1 hour: combining data
  • anything else to add here?


This tutorial covers how to work with various types of external data in R. First we cover how to import and export from and to various file formats, and discuss a number of available packages to do so. Then you’ll also learn multiple ways of combining data from different sources into a single tibble.

Importing and exporting different file formats

Start by reading the introduction to importing the most common file types (text files, Excel, SPSS, Stata) here. It is good to be aware of the Import dataset button and use it when needed, but in the long run it is easier to be aware of the available import functions and use them directly.

The following gives more information and examples of importing data from different file formats and different levels of tidiness.


We will use the following packages for importing different file formats:

library(readxl) # for Excel
library(haven) # for SPSS, Stata, SAS
library(jsonlite) # for JSON
library(arrow) # for parquet, big data

The rio package provides a generic import function, however, it is simply a wrapper for many of the other import functions shown below. While it may be easier to use the same import function for many file formats, rio redirects you to the original functions if you look for the possible function arguments. In some cases, rio can read URL file paths that readr (the tidyverse package for data import) can’t.


First, download this zip-file from GitHub, and extract it into a data folder within your apprenticeship project directory. We now import each file, explaining the packages, functions, and function arguments used. These files are all versions of the same dataset on student characteristics and grades at a university (original source), each with only a subset of the observations and/or variables.

student_male.csv is a comma-separated text file. Opening it in a notepad or Excel shows that the column separators are semicolons (;). The read_csv() function from the previous workshop expects commas as a separator, while read_csv() expects semicolons. Since CSV files are a form of delimited text files, we can also use the more versatile read_delim() function specifying the delimiter as the argument.

If you open the file in Excel or load it in R without additional arguments, you will see that the file does not contain variable names, so R treats the first observation as the variable names. To disable this behavior, you can use the col_names argument to either specify that the data does not contain variable names (col_names = FALSE), in which case R will assign automatic names, or you can specify a vector of names to use.

student_male <- read_csv2("data/student_male.csv", col_names = FALSE)
student_male <- read_delim("data/student_male.csv", delim = ";", col_names = FALSE) is also a delimited text file. Opening it in a notepad shows that the delimiter is a tab. The notation for tab whitespace is \t, which we can specify in the delim argument. Like the “.tab” file extension, “.tsv” is also a tab-separated text file, so the more specialized read_tsv() function also works.

If you load this data without arguments, you’ll see that the Scholarship variable is treated as a number, while in the previous data it was a character due to the percentage signs and the occurrence of “None” as a value. You can use the col_types argument to specify a string that shows the type of each variable. In the example below “i” stands for integer columns and “c” for character columns. Often, especially if there are many columns but only a few have an incorrect type, it is easier to change the variable type with a mutate() function after importing.

student_female <- read_delim("data/", delim = "\t",
                             col_types = c("iicccccciccccc"))
student_female <- read_tsv("data/", col_types = c("iicccccciccccc"))

To import Excel file we need the read_excel() function from the read_excel() package. With this function you can specify which sheet to use in addition to similar arguments as for delimited text files. Notice that by default R imports the “Metadata” sheet, so we can use the sheet argument to specify which sheet to import. In addition, the first two rows contain introductory text, not the data, so we can use the skip argument to skip those rows. You may also notice that previously the variable name for age was Student_Age and now it is Student_age. You can rename the variable either by giving a full list of column names in the import function, but often it is easier to use the rename() function after importing.

student_char_sports <- read_excel("data/student_char_sports.xlsx", 
                                  sheet = "Data", skip = 2) |> 
  rename("Student_Age" = Student_age)

The haven package reads files in the data formats of Stata (.dta) and SPSS (.sav).

student_char1_A <- read_dta("data/student_char1_A.dta")
student_char2_A <- read_sav("data/student_char2_A.sav")

RDS is an R-specific file format that saves all attributes of the dataframe as well (e.g. grouping, factor levels). It is particularly useful for saving intermediate data files, e.g. saving the cleaned data before analysis to avoid needing to run the data cleaning script repeatedly.

student_age_grades_working <- read_rds("data/student_age_grades_working.rds")

JSON files (.json extension) are highly structured text files, and therefore often used to store data. If you open a JSON file as a simple text file, it can look quite confusing because it does not have the standard table structure as the file formats we looked at so far. Nevertheless, if you encounter a JSON file, you can import it to R as a dataframe using the jsonlite package by specifying the file path as the argument to the fromJSON() function:

student_grades <- fromJSON("data/student_grades.json")


When you work with very large datasets, even loading the data can take considerable time. Therefore some file formats have been developed with the aim of working with big data more efficient. One example of such a file format is parquet, which is a tabular format like CSV, but with some key differences that make it easier to work with big data (see R for Data Science (2e) for more details). Parquet files are partitioned along some dimension of the data, and all files corresponding to a datafile are stored in the same folder. The open_dataset() function from the arrow package can load all parquet files from one folder if you specify the host folder as the function argument. In our case the student data (including some simulated observations) is partitioned by student age:

student_more_id_age <- open_dataset("data/student_more_id_age")

Exporting data

To export data from R, you can almost always use the write_...() function corresponding to the desired file format, e.g. write_csv() or write_dta. For Excel files the preferred export function is read_xlsx(). For other file format the generic write() function is useful; you can specify any file format, and if your input data is readable in the chosen format, the file will export properly. In all these write_() functions you need to specify the data you’d like to save (often in a pipe workflow) and the output file path including chosen file extension, with the exception of write_dataset() from arrow, where you specify the path to be a (new) folder, and you add a separate format = "parquet" argument. For example:

write_xlsx(student_male, "data/new_csv_data.csv")

student_female |> 
  write_dataset("data/new_parquet_data", format = "parquet")

A few notes regarding importing and exporting data:

  • Always make sure you know your current working directory and the relative path to your data directory. It is better to use relative rather than absolute file paths (i.e. data/data.csv instead of C:/User/Project/data/data.csv).
  • Note that if you are using Windows, you may need to replace the backslashes (\ in the file path with forward slashes (/) to avoid errors.
  • You can import files directly from URLs, although you often need the URL of a raw file. On Github you can access the URL of raw CSV files by clicking on the “Raw” button on the data preview page (see e.g. here). If a file downloads immediately instead of opening in a raw format, you can try to copy that download link by right-clicking and selecting “Copy link address”; the import() function from rio might be successful with those links.

Combining dataframes

Now we use the previously imported dataframes to learn the different ways of combining mutliple dataframes into one. Since many functions take a single dataframe as an input (think plots, summary statistics, statistical models), it is important to make sure that you choose the right function to combine dataframes in a way that makes sure that each row contains observations for the same case throughout the row.

Row and column binding

The simplest way to combine dataframes is to use row or column binding. These functions append new data to your old data by adding it as new rows or new columns.

An example where row binding is useful is to combine the student_male and student_female datasets. They both contain the same information on students (same variables), but they include different subsets of the data (one is only males, the other only females). So we can recreate the full data by row-binding the two dataframes.

Notice that since the variable names don’t match, R can’t match up the variables. Therefore we should start by fixing the variable names of student_male: in this case we know it contains the exact same variables as student_female does, so we can extract the names from student_female and set that vector as the names of student_male:

data_full <- student_male |> 
  setNames(names(student_female)) |> 

Column binding, on the other hand, is useful if the two dataframes include the (exact) same observations, but different variables. Use column binding only if you are completely sure that both dataframes contain information on the same cases in the same order. In our case, the student_char1_A and student_char2_A contain characteristics of all students who got an “AA” final grade, and the ordering of the students is the same. The first dataframe contains numerical variables and the second characters, so to get a full data of the characteristics of all students who got “AA” grades, we can column-bind the dataframes:

data_char_A <- bind_cols(student_char1_A, student_char2_A)

Note that the bind_rows() and bind_cols() functions are the tidy versions of the base functions rbind() and cbind(). For dataframes the tidy versions have many advantages over the base functions, e.g. in preserving variable names. For matrices, rbind() and cbind() are still the preferred options, and the c() function also works for combining vectors and lists.


Mutating joins are a type of join operation that add columns from one data frame to another, based on matching values of some variables. They are useful when you want to combine information from different sources without mismatching observations or duplicating rows. In most cases your data contains an observation identifier that is consistent across data sources and therefore can be used for matching observations (think e.g. country codes or student numbers).

There are four types of mutating joins: inner join, left join, right join, and full join. Their behavior differs only if there are unmatched rows in either dataframe. In addition, anti-join uses the same syntax as the other joins, but it is used to remove observations from a dataframe.

Full join retains all observations that appear in at least one of the dataframes. In this case, student_char_sports contains the characteristics of students who play sports, and student_age_grades_working contains the age and grades of students who work. Some students both play sports and work, but not all. The resulting data_work_or_sport_1 contains the data of all students who play sports or work, however, for those who don’t work, we grades are missing, and for those who don’t play sports, characteristics are missing.

Also note that if you run the function without specifying the variable on which to join, the function automatically joins by all variables with the same name. In this case that is Id and Student_Age. If you instead specify the by argument to join only by Id, then R will retain both Student_Age variables as separate columns. You can also specify a vector of variables to join by (see data_work_or_sport_2), or, especially if the names of the identifier variable are different in the two dataframes, you can connect the two variable names by an equality sign (see data_work_or_sport_3). In our case the matching is not affected by whether we only match on ID or also on age, but if there are disparities between the dataframes or if a variable with the same name has a different meaning, then not specifying the by argument correctly can lead to mismatched observations. For now data_work_or_sport_2 and data_work_or_sport_3 are equivalent, and the only difference between them and data_work_or_sport_1 is whether the age variable gets duplicated.

data_work_or_sport_1 <- full_join(student_char_sports, student_age_grades_working) |> 

data_work_or_sport_2 <- full_join(student_char_sports, student_age_grades_working, 
                                  by = "Id") |> 

data_work_or_sport_3 <- full_join(student_char_sports, student_age_grades_working, 
                                  by = c("Id" = "Id")) |> 

Inner join works the same way as full join, except it drops any observations that do not appear in both datasets. In our case that means that the resulting data_work_and_sport only contains the data of students who both play a sport and work.

data_work_and_sport <- inner_join(student_char_sports, student_age_grades_working) |> 

Left and right joins keep all observations from the first or second dataframes respectively, and drop unmatched observations from the other input dataframe. left_join(data1, data2) is equivalent to right_join(data2, data1) (if needed also switching the order of the by argument). The reason why one function might be preferred over the other is if one of the inputs is the result of a longer pipe workflow, because in that case you can simply append the join to the workflow (like data1 |> ... |> left_join(data2)). In this example both joins retain the characteristics of all students who play sports, and add the grades of only the same students.

data_sport <- left_join(student_char_sports, student_grades)
data_sport <- right_join(student_grades, student_char_sports)

Unlike the other join functions, anti_join() is more similar to the filter() function: it retains the observations of the first dataset only if those identifiers don’t appear in the second dataset. Anti-joins are particularly useful when observations are identified by the combination of multiple variables (e.g. location and time). In this example we retain the grades of students who don’t play sports by anti-joining the dataframe of all grades with the characteristics of students who play sports.

data_grades_nosport <- anti_join(student_grades, student_char_sports)

In addition to the examples above, you can find animations of which observations are retained and dropped by each join function here.