Data Center Apprenticeship program

Spring 2024 (January)


The apprentices have completed their projects and presented their work in a poster session on 26 January 2024. These are the posters they have created, showcasing their progress:


This page collects all materials related to the 2024 Data Center Apprenticeship program, including workshop materials and other resources that may be helpful for the projects. More information on the program is available on the Data Center Moodle page, including the timing and location of the workshops and requirements for apprentices.

Any interested member of the UCR community may attend the workshops or make use of the materials below; if interested in attending any of the workshops, please self-enroll in the UCR Data Center Moodle course with the enrollment key “Data-Center-1”. We will share any updates to the schedule via Moodle announcements.

Workshop schedule

Below you can find the schedule of the apprenticeship workshops between 8-26 January. Click on a topic to access the workshop materials. Note that the pages are still a work in progress and subject to frequent updates.

Week Topic Time
1.1 Apprenticeship introduction; introduction to R; data wrangling in R 9:00-14:00
1.2 Start on apprenticeship projects (no workshop) -
1.3 Working with external data: importing, exporting and merging files with R 9:00-14:00
1.4 Data visualization with ggplot2 14:00-18:00
1.5 Data visualization with ggplot2 and other packages 9:00-14:00
2.1 Character strings and regular expressions 10:00-14:00
2.2 Introduction to GitHub; good practices in code style and structure 9:00-14:00
2.3 Data scraping from the web and pdf documents in R 10:00-14:00
2.4 Wrangling and visualizing spatial data in R 13:00-16:00 & 17:00-18:00
2.5 Interactive applications with Shiny 10:00-14:00
3.1 Statistics in R: descriptive statistics, regression, classification methods 10:00-14:00
3.2 Text analysis in R 14:00-18:00 (online, link on Moodle)
3.3 Advanced treatment of data types and functions in R 10:00-14:00
3.4 Other AI tools 9:00-14:00
3.5 Apprenticeship presentations 10:00-14:00


Below you can find a list of external resources compiled by the Data Center that you may find helpful when working on your project: